Sunnemo Ecovillage. Sweden. February 2020

Sergey Dmitriev
3 min readMar 2, 2020


At the traing about EU Program ‘European Solidarity Coprs’ volunteership projects for ecovillages (a brief report is here)

that had been taking place it Ängsbacka course and festival center in Sweden

Ängsbacka — Course and Festival Center for personal and spiritual growth

I’ve got the invitation to visit Sunnemo Ecovillage (www, Facebook).

It’s just 2,5 years from the start (65 hectares). It focuses on sustainable living, renewable energy, organic farming, and permaculture. And also it’s about eco-tech laboratory, small training/workshops place (up to 20 people), profitability and drugs free community.

Sunnemo’s main house

Founder Johan Erle is a specialist in making good soil. Just after few convertions I understand more about soil fertility and processes in it. For the last 7 years, he runs a business of Probioform —concenrated fermented food suppliments. Before he worked as a marketing manager in Ängsbacka, did organic farming and hosted the Ting gathering in 2007 in the South of Sweden.

After the sauna at dinner, I’ve also met Magnus and Maria who joined this ecovillage. The garden team is about two women guided by Johan. One of the community members is a mobile communications engineer. The other one is Saami from Finland. Volunteers come via wwoofing platform.

The Bock Saga is that book by Ior Bock

The neighborhood is one of the most organic agriculture lands in Sweden. I asked why — most probably because this region is where the initiative for organic farming have it roots. Swedish organic label KRAV was established in 1984.

Sunnemo could be seen as a standalone initiative and as a part of Ängsbacka extended community that is now about 200 people. The other examples of such extended community are Backa Friskola (Backa Free School) in Molkom (here is a 2018 blogpost about it) and a smallscale permaculture farm by Olle and Lisa.

More stuff in Sunnmeo is at my photos with brief comments (building, ecotech, …).

The Spherical house in Sunnemo



Sergey Dmitriev
Sergey Dmitriev

Written by Sergey Dmitriev

Ad-hoc education and research in eco-villages

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